Beth Rex, the chief of staff for LSU football, has stepped down from her position after over a decade working alongside coach Brian Kelly at various institutions. This change represents a notable shift in the program’s off-field staff structure.

Rex had been Kelly’s chief of staff throughout his 12 years at Notre Dame and initially joined him at Cincinnati before coming to LSU following the 2021 season.
As stated in her bio on LSU’s website, Rex was responsible for overseeing all aspects of the program and served as the main contact for matters related to Kelly. She was also involved with the Kelly Cares Foundation, which raises funds for breast cancer research.
A graduate of Cincinnati, Rex worked as an athletic trainer there from 2001 to 2008, assisting with various sports, including football, before joining Kelly’s staff at Cincinnati. Their collaboration has continued since then.
Prior to Kelly’s first season at LSU, he mentioned that the off-field staff reported to Rex, although responsibilities have evolved over the years. Kelly noted that Rex had a deep understanding of his expectations after their long working relationship.